Rispel L, Price M, Cabral J. Confronting need and affordability: Guidelines for primary health care services in South Africa. Centre for Health Policy, Johannesburg, 1996. ISBN 1-86838-206-0
Bachman M., Leger J., Macun I., PRICE M. The privatisation of working-class health Care. South African Review No 5. 1989. Ravan Press, Johannesburg.
de Beer C, PRICE M. Can privatisation solve the problems in the health sector? In A National Health Service for South Africa. Part I: The Case for Change. The Centre for the Study of Health Policy, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1988.
Hensher M, PRICE M, Adomakoh S. The Referral Hospital. In Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR and others (eds) Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. Oxford University Press, World Bank, WHO, NIH. 2006.
Orkin, F.M., PRICE M. & Nicolayson, L.O. The future of the Urban University in South Africa, Social Dynamics 1979, 5(1).
Also reprinted in John A. Marcum (ed): Education, Race and Social Change in South Africa, University of California Press, 1982.
Orkin, F.M., PRICE M. & Nicolayson, L.O. Making tertiary education institutions more relevant ‑ the future, Philosophical Papers 1, 1980.
Smith E & PRICE M. Amyloidosis ‑ A Review. South African Journal of Hospital Medicine, Feb. 1980, 6 (2).
PRICE M. Health care as an instrument of apartheid policy in South Africa. Health Policy and Planning, June 1986; 1: 158-170.
PRICE M. The consequences of health service privatisation for equality and equity in health care in South Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 1988; 27(7): 703-716.
PRICE M. The Resource Allocation Game: a computer simulation model. Journal of Health Policy and Planning 1988; 3(1): 91‑92.
Timaeus I, Harpham T, PRICE M, Gilson L. Health Surveys in Developing Countries: The objectives and design of an international programme. Social Science and Medicine, 1988, 27(4): pp 359‑368.
PRICE M. Explaining trends in the privatisation of health services in South Africa. Journal of Health Policy Planning, 1989; 4(2): 121-130.
Zwarenstein MF., PRICE M. The 1983 distribution of hospital beds in the RSA by area, race, ownership and type. S. Afr. Med. J. May 1990; 77: 448-452.
Broomberg J., PRICE M. The impact of the fee-for-service reimbursement system on the utilisation of health services : Part 1. A review of the determinants of doctor's practice patterns. S. Afr. Med. J. August 1990; 78: 130-132.
Broomberg J., PRICE M. The impact of the fee-for-service reimbursement system on the utilisation of health services: Part II: Comparison of utilisation patterns in medical aid schemes and a local health maintenance organisation. S. Afr. Med. J. August 1990; 78: 133-136.
PRICE M., Broomberg J. The impact of the fee-for-service reimbursement system on the utilisation of health services: Part III. A comparison of caesarean section rates in white nulliparous women in the private and public sectors. S. Afr. Med. J. August 1990; 78: 136-138.
Broomberg J., de Beer C., PRICE M. The private health sector in South Africa - current trends and future developments. S. Afr. Med. J. August 1990; 78: 144-148.
PRICE M. A comparison of prescribing patterns and consequent costs at Alexandra Health Centre and in the private fee-for-service medical aid sector. S. Afr. Med. J. 1990; 78(3): 158-160.
Michelow I., Silber E., PRICE M. Emigration of doctors, military service and alternative service. S. Afr. Med. J. 1990; 78: 312-315.
Broomberg J, de Beer C, PRICE M. Private health care in South Africa: Should the Unions intervene? International Journal of Health Services. 1991; 21(4) 779-791.
Masobe P, PRICE M. A critique of Medical Schemes Amendment Act. S. Afr. Med. J. April 1993; 83: 465-466.
Pharasi B, PRICE M, Goldstein S. Act 101 and the Pharmacist - is it appropriate for the pharmacist to prescribe? S. Afr. Med. J. 1993; 83: 822-3.
Pharasi B, PRICE M. The role of the community pharmacist in the public and private sectors in South Africa: Is integration into primary health care teams the way? S. A. Journal of Pharmacy September 1993: 418-424.
PRICE M. The impact of political transformation in South Africa on policy debates regarding the public-private mix in health care. Journal of Health Policy and Planning 1994; 9(1): 50-62.
PRICE M. The financing of dental care - The private/public mix. Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa June 1994: 277-282. (Invited paper)
PRICE M, van den Heever A. Critique of the National Health Plan. Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, 1994: 9(2): 34-36. (Invited paper)
Goldstein S, PRICE M. Utilization of primary curative services in Diepkloof, Soweto. S.Afr.Med.J. June 1995; 85(6): 505-508.
Lee T, PRICE M, Allwood C. The outpatient care of psychiatric patients in a rural area: Mhala district, Northern Transvaal. S. Afr. Med. J.1995; 85: 571-577.
Lee T, PRICE M. Indicators and research methods for rapid assessment of a tuberculosis control programme: case study of a rural area in South Africa. Tubercle and Lung Disease 1995 76:441-449.
Masobe P, Lee T, PRICE M. Isoniazid prophylactic therapy for tuberculosis in HIV-seropositive patients - a least-cost analysis. S. Afr. Med. J. Feb.1995; 85(2): 75-80.
PRICE M. Some reflections on the changing role of progressive policy groups in S.A.: Experiences from the Centre for Health Policy. Transformation 1995; 27: 24-34.
Lee T, PRICE M, J Wynne A Comprehensive evaluation of a rural tuberculosis control programme in the South-eastern Transvaal: implications for health service planning. S. Afr. J. Epidemiol Infect 1995; 10(1): 22-28
Weiner R, Mitchell G, PRICE M. Wits medical graduates: where are they now? South African Journal of Science 1998; 94 (2): 59-63
Beattie A; Kalk WJ; PRICE M; Rispel L; Broomberg J; Cabral J The management of diabetes at primary level in South Africa: the results of a facility‑based assessment. J R Soc Health 1998 Dec;118(6): 338‑345
Doherty J; PRICE M. Evaluation of rural ambulance services. World Health Forum 1998;19(3): 315‑319
Doherty J, PRICE M. The cost implications of participatory research. Experience of a health services review in a rural region in South Africa. S Afr Med J, 1998; 88 (3) (Suppl):390‑393
PRICE M. What should, and should not be common in medical education globally? The Meducator, 2001: 1(3): 10-11 (invited review)
PRICE M, Smuts B. How many years do students study before graduating in medicine? S Afr Med J, 2002; 92 (8): 557 - 644
PRICE M, Smuts B. Prospective students’ and parents’ attitudes towards a graduate-entry medical degree. S Afr Med. J, 2002; 92 (8): 557 - 644
Tutton P, PRICE M. Selection of medical students (editorial): BMJ 2002; 324: 1170-1171
Goodman T, PRICE M. Using an Internal Reconciliation Commission to facilitate transformation at a Health Sciences Faculty in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The case of the Witwatersrand Health Sciences Faculty. Harvard Health and Human Rights, 2002: 6(1): 211-227
PRICE M, Weiner R. Where have all the doctors gone? - Career choices of Wits Medical Graduates. S Afr Med. J, 2005; 95 (6): 414 - 419.
Sadiq, H., Barnes, K.I., PRICE, M. et al. Academic promotions at a South African university: questions of bias, politics and transformation. Higher Education December 2018:1-20
PRICE M, Lachman P. The Role of the Traditional Practitioner in African Health Care (editorial article) The Leech, 1978, 48 (2).
PRICE M and Tshazibane P. Medical aids: Questions for unions. South African Labour Bulletin 1988; 13(8): 100‑109.
Broomberg J, de Beer C, PRICE M. A stepping stone to national health. Work in Progress, 1989; 59: 40-43.
de Beer C., PRICE M. The search for post-apartheid policies. Work in Progress, 1989; 58: 25-27.
Njikelana S, Jeppe C, PRICE M. Democratising the health services: a challenge to doctors (opinion piece). S. Afr. Med. J. 1991; Plus follow-up letters to editor.
Beattie A, Doherty J, PRICE M, De Beer C. Private practice in Academic Medicine: A Trojan Horse? (opinion piece) S. Afr. Med. J. 1992; 82(6):385.
PRICE M. Health Maintenance Organisations. Nursing RSA, 1992; 7(6): 21-23.
PRICE M. The NPPHCN/SAHSSO Policy Conference 1992: An Overview. Critical Health, April 1993; 42: 7-14.
Masobe P, PRICE M. The Medical Schemes Amendment Act: an appropriate response to the crisis? Critical Health, July 1993; 43: 88-91.
PRICE M. Healing Health. Indicator South Africa, 1994; 11 (3): 75-81.
PRICE M. Academic Strategy of the Health Sciences Faculty for 1996. The Leech, 1996; 65(2): 31-32.
PRICE M Incongruities: the new faculty of health sciences (opinion piece). J Dent Assoc S Afr 1996 Dec;51(12):716‑9;
PRICE M. Assessment of alleged rape victims [letter; comment] S Afr Med J 1996 Jul;86(7):842
Kalk WJ; Cleaton‑Jones PE; Allwood CW et al. Virodene‑‑support misguided [letter; comment] S Afr Med J 1997 Jun;87(6):775‑6
Jenkins T, PRICE M, Veriava, Y. Politics in Medicine. Preliminary submission to the truth and Reconciliation Commission from the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Leech, 1997; 66 (2): 34-42
(All published by The Centre for Health Policy, Johannesburg, unless specified otherwise.)
PRICE M. Health care beyond apartheid: economic issues in the reorganisation of South Africa's health services. MSc Dissertation. Published by Critical Health, South Africa, 1987.
PRICE M., Tshazibane P. Dilemmas posed by medical aid schemes for the labour movement. 1989. ISBN:1 86814 092 X
Broomberg J., PRICE M. Evaluating a medical aid scheme proposal. 1989. ISBN:1 86814 128.
PRICE M., Broomberg J. What's wrong with medical aid schemes? 1990. ISBN:1 86814 146 2.
Broomberg J., PRICE M. Towards an integrated health care financing and delivery scheme. 1990. ISBN: 1 86814 135 7.
THE REVIEW OF HEALTH SERVICES IN KANGWANE AND THE SOUTH-EASTERN TRANSVAAL which I co-ordinated as principal researcher has produced the following 7 reports published as monographs by the Centre for Health Policy, in 1991/2.
The intersectoral component of health and health services.
Evaluation of KaNgwane clinics including maternal care and family planning, child health, chronic disease care, curative care and management issues with respect to the clinics.
Evaluation of non-KaNgwane primary care, including school health services, Section 30 services for farm workers, district surgeons, family planning, local authority clinics and private or NGO clinics.
The regionalisation of hospitals in the South Eastern Transvaal and neighbouring homelands.
An evaluation of ambulance services in KaNgwane.
Report on mental health services.
An evaluation of KaNgwane's TB Control Programme.
PRICE M, Masobe P. The future of Medical Schemes: Issues and options for reform. 1993. ISBN:1868380920.
Van den Heever A, PRICE M. Paying for health care: The 1994/95 health budget and the Reconstruction and Development Programme. 1994. ISBN: 1 86838 120 X.
Price M, van den Heever A M. Strategic health policy issues for the Reconstruction and Development Programme, Development Bank of South Africa, Policy Working Paper 64, Occasional Paper, 1994.
PRICE M, Broekman R. Analysis of provincial hospital expenditure trends. South African Health Expenditure Review technical report series. Health Systems Trust. Durban, 1994.
Beattie A, Rispel L, Broomberg J, PRICE M, Cabral J. The Quality of Primary Care in South Africa: The results of a facility-based assessment. Paper #44. Centre for Health Policy. Johannesburg, 1994. ISBN No: 1-86838-178-1
PRICE M. An analysis of resource allocation to community and hospital services in homeland health wards. Technical Report #10. South African Health Expenditure Review. Health Systems Trust, Durban, 1995.
PRICE M, Khunoane B, vd Heever A. Should tax concessions on medical aid contributions be removed? A political-economic analysis. Centre for Health Policy, Johannesburg, 1996. ISBN No: 1-86838-143-9
TECHNICAL REPORTS (Not publicly available)
PRICE M. Report on consultancy to Alexandra Health Centre on options for non donor financing. November 1989.
PRICE M, Broomberg J. Proposal for alternative integrated health financing and delivery scheme. Consultation for the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa, on health services for members.
PRICE M. Reports on four consultancies: Lesotho Bureau of Statistics and UNICEF on: The Lesotho National Health and Nutrition Survey. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991.
PRICE M, Rispel L, Doherty J. Needs, norms and resource allocation in the health sector; a literature review. 70pp. Technical report for Department of National Health and Population Development. April 1993.
PRICE M. Course Materials on Economic Evaluation for WHO/FAO Panel of Experts on Environmental Management (PEEM), 1992, 1993.
PRICE M. The relationship between local health authorities in the Central Witwatersrand metropolitan region and private health care providers for Central Witwatersrand Metropolitan Chamber, November 1993.
Beattie A, Doherty J, Broekman R, PRICE M. Tertiary Care and the Metropolitan region and government. Consultancy to the Central Witwatersrand Metropolitan Chamber, October 1993.
Health Care Finance Committee (Chair: M Price). Report to the Minister of Health on health financing. December 1994.
PRICE M, Steinberg, M & de Beer, C. The New Constitution and Health, in Zwi A & Saunders D. (eds) Towards Health Care For All ‑ NAMDA Conference 1985, 1986, NAMDA, South Africa: pp 95‑101.
PRICE M, de Beer C. Can privatisation solve the problems in the health sector? In: Owen CP (ed) The Case for a National Health Service. Proceedings from a series of lectures organised by Extra Mural Studies and NAMDA, Cape Town, 1989.
Broomberg J, de Beer C, PRICE M. Privatisation in health care: Towards progressive intervention. Proceedings of the 6th National NAMDA Conference, September 1989.
PRICE M. The current debate around the privatisation of health care in South Africa. The Societies of Southern Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Volume 15. (Collected seminar papers no 38.) University of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 1990.
PRICE M, Masobe P, Booysen M. The Public/Private Mix for Health Care in South Africa. In Report of the Workshop on The Public/Private Mix for Health Care in Developing Countries, 11-15 January 1993. Health Economics and Financing Programme, Health Policy Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, July 1993.
PRICE M. Policies for Health Sector development: Where does equity feature? published in Proceedings of Conference: Equity in Health - Policies for survival in Southern Africa, Kasane, Botswana, March 1997. Published by Dag Hammerschold Foundation.
(Papers that have been published as conference proceedings are not repeated here. Papers were presented by first author.)
Orkin M, Nicolaysen L, Price M. Models for our University's development recognising their individual socio-economic settings. Presented to African Studies Seminar series, October 1978.
PRICE M. Explaining trends in the privatisation of health services in South Africa. To: Association of Sociologists in Southern Africa (ASSA) conference, 1988.
PRICE M, Tshazibane P. Attitude of workers in the Vaal Triangle on health services and paying for health care ‑ preliminary findings. July 1989. To: Association of Sociologists in Southern Africa (ASSA) conference, 1989.
PRICE M. The nature of health care financing and privatisation. To: Maputo Conference on Health and Welfare in Transition in South Africa, 1990.
PRICE M. The Private Sector - Policy options and research priorities. To: Health Economics Workshop, UCT, 1990.
PRICE M, Broomberg J. Health policy issues in a future South Africa. Some responses to declining state health expenditure and privatisation. To: Workshop on Economic Policy, Equity and Health, Harare, 1991.
PRICE M. Dilemmas in the ethics of health resource allocation: When are genetics services justified? To: Symposium on Inherited Metabolic and Congenital disorders with special reference to Natal. 1991.
Doherty J, PRICE M, Harris J. Rigour and Resources: A comparison on the costs of different types of studies in a comprehensive regional health systems evaluation. To: ESSA 10th Conference (poster), Cape Town, 1991.
Doherty J, PRICE M. Results of a household survey in the South-Eastern Transvaal. To: ESSA 10th Conference (poster), Cape Town, 1991.
PRICE M, Lee T. Just for the record: A not-so rapid appraisal of TB services in KaNgwane. To: ESSA 10th Conference (poster), Cape Town, 1991.
Freeman M, Ceris N, PRICE M. Assessing mental health needs in the South-Eastern Transvaal. To: ESSA 10th Conference (poster), Cape Town, 1991.
PRICE M. A regional health systems evaluation in the South-Eastern Transvaal. To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town, 1991.
PRICE M, Doherty J. Home at last: Sampling methods for a household survey in the South-Eastern Transvaal. To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town, 1991.
Schneider H, PRICE M, Mavrandonis J, Buch E. Methodologies in the evaluation of rural clinics. To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town, 1991.
Edginton M, Buch E, PRICE M. How do primary care services function in the Eastern Transvaal?: A defence of the rapid appraisal technique. To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town, 1991.
Doherty J, PRICE M. Horizontal taxis or emergency transport?: methodologies in the evaluation of rural ambulance services. To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town, 1991.
Schneider H, PRICE M, Marais S, Doherty J. Methodologies in the evaluation of intersectoral cooperation. To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town 1991.
PRICE M, Gnam W. Shifting resources to PHC: How much is enough?
To: ESSA 10th Conference, Cape Town 1991.
PRICE M, Doherty J, Schneider H. Knowledge of signs of Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection: A report of two surveys. To: The Paediatric Association of South Africa conference, Wild Coast, June 1992.
PRICE M, Lee T. The use of survival analysis techniques to evaluate case holding in psychiatric services. To: 11th Epidemiological Conference, Johannesburg, 1992.
Goldstein S, PRICE M. Utilisation of primary clinical services in Diepkloof, Soweto. To: 11th Epidemiological Conference, Johannesburg, 1992.
Edginton M, PRICE M. A record review of TB notified patients in the Diepmeadow Health Department in 1991. To: 11th Epidemiological Conference, Johannesburg, 1992 (poster).
PRICE M. The impact of political transformation in South Africa on policy debates regarding the public-private mix in health care. To: Conference on Health Financing in Developing Countries, Berlin 1993.
PRICE M. The impact of political transformation in South Africa on policy debates regarding the public-private mix in health care. To: International Conference on Social Transformation and the Social Sciences, Pretoria, November 1993.
PRICE M. The financing of dental care - The private/public mix. To: Changing the Face of Dentistry, University of the Witwatersrand, 7-8 April 1994.
Beattie A, PRICE M, Cabral J. The cost of primary care by different methods of delivery. To: 1994 Epidemiological Society of Southern Africa Conference.
Beattie A, PRICE M, Cabral J, Rispel L. A method for the rapid assessment of quality of primary care facilities. To: 1994 Epidemiological Society of Southern Africa Conference.
Rispel L, PRICE M. Methodological issues in developing norms for health services at primary care level. To: 1994 Epidemiological Society of Southern Africa Conference.
Lee T, PRICE M. Indicators and research methods for comprehensive Tuberculosis programme evaluation: a case study of KaNgwane. To: Tuberculosis Towards 2000, Pretoria, 1994.
PRICE M. Challenges to reforming the Health Sector in S.A. To: American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington DC, October 1994.
PRICE M. Policies affecting the public / private mix of health care in S.A. Invited paper, To: Conference on the Private Health Sector in Africa. Nairobi, November 1994.
PRICE M. Some reflections on the changing role of Progressive Policy Groups in S.A.: experiences from the Centre for Health Policy. To: Conference on population and politics in S.A. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1995.
PRICE M. Challenges to reforming the Health Sector in S.A. Invited lecture, Yale School of Public Health, March 1995.
PRICE M Choosing between National and Social Health Insurance in South Africa. To: Conference of the Economics Society of South Africa, Johannesburg, 1995.
Khunoane B, PRICE M, vd Heever A. Should tax concessions on medical scheme contributions be removed? A political-economic analysis. To: Conference of the Economics Society of South Africa, Johannesburg, 1995.
PRICE M. Should National Health Insurance fund primary or hospital care? Health financing reform strategies in post apartheid South Africa. Invited paper To: International Health Economics Association Conference, Vancouver, May 1996.
PRICE M. Towards a role for the mathematical sciences in the health sector in Africa. Invited paper, To: The Joint Conference of the Operations Research Society of South Africa and the Mathematical Sciences Society of South Africa, Swaziland, October 1996.
PRICE M. Policies for Health Sector development: Where does equity feature? Invited paper, To: Dag Hammerschold Foundation Conference on Equity in Health - Policies for survival in Southern Africa, Botswana, March 1997.
Gilson L, Price M. Conceptualising equity in health. Invited paper, To: Workshop on Equity in Health, Soria Moria, Oslo, Norway, October 1997.
PRICE M. Rebuilding South Africa's health system - Haste, Speed, Democracy and Capability. Invited plenary paper, To: Harvard School of Public Health 75th Anniversary Conference, Boston, April 1997.
PRICE M. Reconstructing South Africa’s Health Services. Invited paper, To: Conference on the Politics of Economic Reform, 16-18 January, 1998, Cape Town.
PRICE M. Equity paradoxes in health policy and implementation. Invited paper, To MacArthur Network on Inequality and Poverty in Broader Perspectives: Conference on inequality in S.A. Johannesburg, 1999.
Goodman T, PRICE M. Continuing the TRC Project: The Use of Internal Reconciliation Commissions to Facilitate Organisational Transformation – The Case of Wits Health Sciences Faculty. To: History Workshop Conference: The TRC - Commissioning the Past, Johannesburg, June 1999.
PRICE M. Equity paradoxes in health policy and implementation in post Apartheid South Africa. Invited paper, To NIH/WHO/World Bank conference on “Health and Development - developing a research agenda”, Bethesda, USA: November 1999.
“Ottawa in Africa” international conference on Medical Education, 2000:
1. Invited speaker in keynote debate: Should medical schools in developing countries offer internationally recognised degrees?
2. With B Smuts: Poster, How long do students study before graduating?
3. With B Smuts: Presentation: Attitudes of students and their parents to a graduate entry medical degree
Invited keynote address: The future of Medicine in SA and the training of Rural Specialists. To: Rural Doctors Association of Southern Africa Annual Conference, 2001, Hartwater.
PRICE M, Ware J. Web based resources and cyber collections in medical education. To: National Conference on Health Professions Education. Bloemfontein, October 2002
Ware J, Prozesky D and PRICE M. Curriculum Mapping from Al Ain to Johannesburg: A Working Model. GCC Medical Education Conference, Al Ain, UAE, 2004.