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  • MADIBA MEMORIAL (2013). The Vice-Chancellor addressed a memorial assembly at UCT on 6 December 2013, following Mandela’s death the previous day. The speech reflects on how Mandela valued education and saw it as critical both for quality leadership and for changing the prospects of the poor. Watch a short clip now or view the full video (7 mins) here


  • ETHICSXCHANGE TALK: Can Ethical behaviour be taught and should universities teach all students moral philosophy? In the light of scandals reflecting ethical failures by business leaders in many industries, many of whom are also well educated, there is a debate about whether universities can do more to ensure that graduates acquire, as part of their education, the knowledge of ethical practice, the foundations of moral reasoning and values that will advance ethical behaviour in their working lives. The evidence, unfortunately, is not persuasive. This TedX format 12-minute lecture reviews the evidence on what influences ethical behaviour in the world of work and what universities might do to influence that. Watch the video


  • INTRODUCTION TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA (2013).  Address by Vice-Chancellor on hosting Barack Obama in Jameson Hall at UCT on 30 June 2013. The speech reflects on the role of universities in challenging authoritarian rule and the importance of African research universities for development in the continent. Watch a short clip now or view the full video (15 mins) here

      Watch President Obama's speech at UCT (46 mins) here


  • WELCOME ADDRESS FOR MRS MICHELLE OBAMA (2011). In welcoming Michelle Obama who visited UCT in 2011, and met with UCT students and scholars from local schools, the Vice-Chancellor speaks about the importance of extending access to top university education to people from poor and working class communities, and the importance of aspiration. He briefly describes some of UCT’s efforts to achieve this through admissions policies and financial aid support. Watch a short clip now or view the full video with  Michelle Obama's speech and Q&A (55 mins) here


  • GRADUATION ADDRESS December 2014.  This graduation address was delivered by the Vice-Chancellor at the Humanities graduation ceremony on 17 December 2014. He wove together four themes: the meaning of the Day of Reconciliation, the centenary of the First World War, the rise of fundamentalist movements in Africa, and the role of universities, and the Humanities in particular in making sense of conflict. Watch a short clip now or view the full video (17 mins) here


  • DISRUPTING HIGHER EDUCATION (2013). Professor Clay Christensen, Professor C Raj Kumar, Dr Max Price and Ms Dacia Toll discuss the future of education, Oxford University, 19-20 October 2013. Topics range from primary to university education as well as online platforms. Speakers highlight the latest productive and disruptive impacts of technology on education. They also explore the roles of public and private interventions in education in both a developed and under-developed context. Watch the full video (62 mins)


  • DECOLONISING DILEMMAS – Lecture at African Studies Centre, Oxford University, 2019. Dr Max Price gives a topical lecture in Oxford about his experience as Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Town during the national student protests which took place between 2015 and 2017, speaking about the meanings, issues and dilemmas of 'decolonisation' in the UCT context. Listen to podcast here (63 mins)

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