Personalia: Born 6 October 1955. Married to Deborah Posel, They have two children - Jess and Ilan. Lives in Cape Town South Africa.
MBBCh (University of Witwatersrand, 1979)
BA Politics, Philosophy, Economics (Oxon, 1983)
MSc Community Health in Developing Countries (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1986)
Diploma in Occupational Health (University of Witwatersrand, 1993)
Professional registrations: Registered medical practitioner with the South African Medical and Dental Professions Board since 1980 and with the (British) General Medical Council 1981 to ±2000
Awards: Abridged list
Rhodes Scholarship (1980-1983)
Top MSc student (LSHTM, 1986)
Epidemiology medal (Wits, 1991)
Four Outstanding Young South Africans (FOYSA) Award (1992)
Fellowship ad eundum of Faculty of Public Health Medicine of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (Oct. 2004)
Takemi Fellowship in International Health, Harvard School of Public Health (1994-5)
Sabbatical, University of Cape Town (July 2018 – present)
Vice-Chancellor (President), University of Cape Town (July 2008 – June 2018)
Independent consultant in the fields of public health, health policy, human resources for health, medical education, tertiary institutions, public-private partnerships. Major time consultancies for the national Department of Education on financing of medical education and for philanthropic foundations on funding strategies in the health sector (2006-2008).
Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences (Medical School), University of the Witwatersrand (1996 – 2006) and member of University’s Senior Executive Team
Centre for Health Policy, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)
Senior researcher (1988 – 1992)
Director (1992 – 1995)
Research fellow in health economics at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (1986-7)
Clinical work in hospitals and rural primary health care project (1980, 1984, 1985)
Teaching and supervision experience
Taught undergraduate medical students in public health and paediatrics; postgraduate Masters in Public Health in epidemiology, health economics and health policy
Supervised/co-supervised PhDs, Masters dissertations and external examiner for Masters and PhDs.
Research and publications: 39 refereed journal articles, international and local; refereed monograph; 3 refereed chapters; over 100 other research reports, articles and academic conference papers. Fields covered include health systems research, political economy of health; health economics and financing; privatisation and medical aids; rural health services; computer simulation modelling of health systems; medical and health professional education and human resources for health, higher education. See publications and citations on Google Scholar.
National and international leadership in higher education
Universities South Africa (USAf – organisation representing all SA public universities): member of Board 2008-2018; Vice-chairperson 2012- 2015; Chair Universities Funding Strategy Group (July 2017 – June 2018); Member of USAf Executive (2012-2015; 2017 - 2018);
Member of the Global Universities Leaders’ Forum (GULF) - a community of 25 university presidents and vice-chancellors within the World Economic Forum that meets annually at the Davos meeting and at regional meetings – I was the only representative from Africa (2009 – 2018)
Worldwide Universities Network (comprising 20 research universities from around the world covering all continents, that promotes collaborative research between network members, and student and staff mobility): Chairperson of the Board comprising all University Presidents 2014 –2016; Vice Chairperson 2013-2014 and 2016-2017
Member of the Council (governing body) of the University of Ghana, Legon (2011 - 2018)
Co-founder and first chair of African Research Universities Alliance – created to strengthen links between research universities in Africa (formally launched in Senegal in March 2015).
As the head of the leading university in Africa, and one of the top 200 globally, I was often asked to participate in global higher education fora as a representative of African universities, or South African universities. For example, I am one of the ten University presidents who constitute the external members of the Global Council of Hanban, the Headquarters of the Confucius Institutes.
In addition, there were many formal and informal links and visits to universities outside South Africa to promote bilateral partnerships
Thought leadership: Many opinion pieces published nationally and internationally, keynote addresses, radio and television talks on higher education and research; frequently interviewed by national and international media.
As Vice-Chancellor, I was invited to deliver numerous keynote speeches. Examples of more distinguished conferences and public lectures are:
Keynote speaker at the conference on higher education and globalisation, part of the programme marking the centennial of Tsinghua University, 2011
Public guest lecture, London School of Economics, 2011, titled: “Poverty and Inequality in South Africa since 1994”
Public lecture in Lagos, Nigeria, 2011, on “The state of research universities in Africa and what needs to be done”
Invited to deliver eponymous Neville Alexander Memorial Lecture at the Africa Centre at Harvard University in 2014, titled: “De-racializing the South African System of Higher Education: A Debate with Neville Alexander”
Presenter and panellist at conference on Slavery and Universities, Radcliffe College, Harvard University, 2017, titled: “Addressing institutional culture at UCT: #RhodesMustFall and the legacy of colonialism”
Keynote speaker on developments in medical education: International Forum on Medical Education hosted at Sun Yat Sen University, Guanzhou, China December 2018
Other professional activities and appointments:
While a student in the 1970s, deeply involved in anti-apartheid student politics and activism, president of the Students’ Representative Council, Executive member of the National Union of South African Students
Member and executive positions in National Medical and Dental Association (an anti-apartheid alternative to the mainstream Medical Association of South Africa), 1984-92
Chair of Ministerial Committee on Health Care Financing, 1994
Member of Ministerial Committee on National Health Insurance, 1995
Member, WHO/FAO/UNDP Tropical Disease Research programme (TDR) special task force on impact of health financing reform on tropical diseases,1996-1999
Chairperson of the national Committee of Medical Deans, 1998-2002
Member of the Medical and Dental Professions Board of SA, 1999 – 2010
Chair of the Medical and Dental Professions Board sub-committee on Undergraduate Education and Training, responsible for accrediting all medical and dental programmes in SA, 2005-2010
Member of Health Professions Council of SA, 2007- 2010
Member of Expert Committee to evaluate new medical school in Mauritius, 2005
Editorial Board, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation: The International Journal of Public Health, 1999- 2010
Occasional referee for the S.A. Journal of Epidemiology and Infection, the South African Medical Journal, Journal of Health Policy and Planning, Social Science and Medicine, Medical Education
Appointed by Minister (2012) with one other VC to review the merger of two universities – recommended their separation which is now implemented
Director, Health e-News (NGO promoting mass media coverage of health related news) 2000-2008
Director, Aurum Institute for Health Research (Not-for-profit AIDS/TB research organisation) 2006-2008
Member of the Board of Directors of CORC (Community Organisation Resources Centre, an NGO that supports community-based organizations by facilitating internal processes and external engagements with formal actors like the government departments and funders, concerned particularly with informal housing, micro-credit organisations, homelessness)
Appointed as Member Expert Commission, Fondation Botnar, March 2019
Trustee, Discovery Health Medical Scheme Board (2022 - )
Scholar-in-Residence, Atlantic Institute, Oxford and South Africa